About the Author

Aly Brisha is an Egyptian Author, journalist, and documentary maker living in Dubai.
Residing in the Middle East, he is intricately engaged with myriad social, political, and intellectual issues, given the nature of his profession. He interacts with the multitude of challenges prevalent in the countries of the Middle East. He undertook the coverage of the Arab Spring events and closely followed on the ground the rise of extremists in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, and other Middle-Eastern countries. He holds the perspective that military and religious dictatorships are the foremost afflictions faced by these societies plagued by oppression, violence, poverty, and extremism.
He has been a member in the syndicate of journalists in Egypt since 1997, has worked as a scriptwriter and producer for many international news channel and has produced several documentary films some of them had awards.

His Books:
* In 2006, Brisha published a book of short stories under the name of Kalam Garayed.
* In 2010 he published a book named “Death making… life experience” presenting his personal experience of producing the famous program of the same name in Alarabiya TV (Death Making).
* In 2011, he published his first novel in the name of “City of the Sun” (Nfr Iwn).
* In 2013, he published his second novel in the name of “Voyages of Ibn al-Bitar”.
* In 2015, he followed up with a study in the philosophy of history called “Caught in the Middle Ages”.
* Early 2016, Brisha published the English translation of his novel “The City of the Sun”.
* In 2019 he published the English translation of his novel “Ibn Al Bitar’s Voyages”.It had the Bronze Medal of IP book awards 2020
* In 2023 he published his third novel “Mamluks of Thunder Island” in Arabic and English

videos about the author

حزب الكنبة وانتخابات الرئاسة في مصر 1

حزب الكنبة وانتخابات الرئاسة في مصر (2)

حزب الكنبة وانتخابات الرئاسة في مصر (3)

حزب الكنبة ونظرية المؤامرة في مصر (4)

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